Agenda for the 3rd lecture - February 21st

Agenda for the 3rd lecture - February 21st

Equalizer Team
February 21, 2022

Welcome to the third session of the Equalizer Flash Loans Academy! Please find below the coordinates:

Welcome to the third session of the Equalizer Flash Loans Academy! Please find below the coordinates:

Date: 21st of February 

Time: 20.00 CET time

Agenda for the 3rd lecture - February 21st

Flash loan use-cases

In this meeting, we discuss

  • What flash-loans can be used for
  • What is arbitrage
  • What is collateral swap
  • What is liquidation/self-liquidation

We remind you the organizational details of the Flash Loans Academy:

  • Meetings take place every two weeks - we are now at our third meeting
  • We share the agenda and learning materials before the meeting
  • The Equalizer Academy working group is open, you can still sign up
  • Anyone can sign up, can propose new agenda items, topics or workshops
  • You can propose a new topic via our Discord channel. 

Please note that classes include your personal independent study.

Here is the summary for this lecture:

      1) Presentation for 3rd session

      2) Recording for 3rd session

We remind you that in order to stay up to date with the Academy topic you should join our [Discord channel]  and follow the updates!