Agenda for the 2nd lecture - February 7th

Agenda for the 2nd lecture - February 7th

Equalizer Team
February 4, 2022

Welcome to the second session of the Equalizer Flash Loans Academy! Please find below the coordinates:

Welcome to the second session of the Equalizer Flash Loans Academy! Please find below the coordinates:

Date: 7th of February 

Time: 20.00 CET time

We remind you the organizational details of the Flash Loans Academy:

  • Meetings take place every two weeks - we are now at our second meeting
  • We share the agenda and learning materials before the meeting
  • The Equalizer Academy working group is open 
  • Anyone can sign up, can propose new agenda items, topics or workshops
  • You can propose a new topic via our Discord channel. 

Please note that classes include your personal independent study.

Agenda for the 2nd lecture - February 7th

In this meeting, we discuss:

  • What are Flash Loans
  • Why they are risk- and collateral-free
  • Example flash loans (block explorers)
  • Example flash loan Smart Contract

Before the lecture, make sure you read the materials below

      1) Flash lending concept

      2) Flash lending use cases

      3) Understanding flash loans

      4) How do I borrow a flash loan

      5) How do I borrow a flash loan - deep dive

      6) Flash loan gas cost comparison

Here is the summary for this lecture:
      1) Presentation for 2nd session

      2) Recording for 2nd session

We remind you that in order to stay up to date with the Academy topic you should join our [Discord channel] and follow the updates!